Saturday, March 29, 2008

Stuart's Cape

I forgot about Stuart's Cape! However, I did read it, and I thought it was wonderful. I love all of these books that have a child with a bright imagination as the main character. His worries were so normal for a child his age, and I loved his creativity in making a cape out of ties. His parents played well into the story as well. You almost couldn't tell whether they were just playing along or whether it was just a natural thing for all of these things happen. I also loved his Aunt's character ( I cannot for the life of me think of her name). She was a great aspect of creativity and zaniness, and fit in well with Stuart's adventures.

The illustrations fit with the story so well. The picture of the animals "hiding" made me laugh out loud. I also noticed, when Stuart saw the storage space where the trash man was hiding all of his things, that the artist had drawn a half-covered book titled Stuart's Cape. I thought this was funny as well.

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