Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Craft Lesson - Zoom

The focus

Because of the focus on the earth itself at the end of the book and the fact that Earth day is approaching, I would like to have a craft lesson that works around that aspect of Zoom within a "Go Green" unit. Recycling and "Going Green" are such big issues now that it would be great to tie this in and relate to the kids' lives.

How To Teach It
One lesson would be to clean up campus and maybe do a writing activity about it. We could also create a comic book about a "Captain Planet" style superhero (maybe even watch a few "Captain Planet" episodes....). I would also have the kids create a brochure for parents and families, and possibly other classrooms, about the things they could do and steps parents could take to make their lives a little greener.


Courtney Forbess said...

Great lesson to promote going green!

Debbe Dickinson said...

This is a really cute idea!